Pegasus Making Tax Digital Seminar Slides - Applied Business

Pegasus Making Tax Digital Seminar Slides

11 Feb 2019 No Comments featured posts, Pegasus

For those of you who couldn’t attend our recent seminar which focussed on Making Tax Digital (and those of you who did but would like a refresher), the PDF file below contains all of the slides presented by Steve Power from Pegasus at the seminar.

Aside from a huge amount of Making Tax Digital info, the slides also cover Opera 3 SQL Server Edition, Pegasus Business Cloud, Pegasus Web Exchange and Payroll changes. There are over 100 pages of helpful information for you to read through so better make a cup of tea before you start reading!

If you require any additional information regarding Making Tax Digital or any of the topics covered don’t hesitate to give us a call (01767 677071) or drop us an email (

We’d like to extend a big thank you to Pegasus, Steve Power and all of the people attended the seminar and made it a success. We hope these slides will prove valuable for you all.



