Andi Blake

Software Developer

Since leaving University in 1987 Andi has worked in IT for a variety of companies and has been a developer for Opera since 1993. She joined ABC in 1999 as our software developer, tweaking the Pegasus products and even developing whole suites of modules to meet the customer’s requirements.

Andi currently lives in the middle of the Bedfordshire countryside and enjoys nature rambles, pottering in her garden, playing modern board games, and listening to a wide range of obscure and experimental music.

Working with Applied Business

Applied Business Computers will examine your current business processes in order to make recommendations with the growth and development of your business in mind.

Once we have a template to work with we will install and service a suite of products that will grow with your business for the long-term. Consistently delivering real competitive advantage by reducing the risks and errors that crop up within a business that can cause a breakdown in communication, both internally and externally.

Your clients, customers and consumers will all see vital improvements in the way you operate, deliver and communicate, which can only have a positive impact on your sales and relationships.

Call us now on 01767 677 071, or get in touch using the form.
